Perfectly healthy kittens and cats often have dry noses, while those under the weather could have a nose as wet as they come. Unless your kitten’s nose is so dry that skin is actually flaking off, don’t let the lack of moisture concern you.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in view, what does it mean if a cat’s nose is dry?If a cat has a dry nose if often means that the kitty is dehydrated or has some sort of fever. There is what you may a call a loose correlation between a cool, moist nose and good health, some perfectly healthy cats have warm, dry noses.Also, why does my kitten’s nose get crusty? It is very common for new pet owners to obtain a kitten or new cat with a crusty nose, weepy eyes and a sneeze. We call these problems upper respiratory disease (URI) or feline respiratory disease complex and it is the most common infectious disease that veterinarians deal with. . Beside this, are kittens noses supposed to be dry? Cat parents frequently ask if a dry, warm nose means their cat is sick. The short answer is no. A healthy cat’s nose can vary between wet and dry several times over the course of a day. And there are many reasons your cat can have a dry, warm nose that have nothing to do with health.How can I tell if my cat is dehydrated?These include listlessness, refusal to eat, panting, sunken eyes and dry, tacky gums. A good test to see if your cat is dehydrated is ‘skin tenting’. To do this, take a pinch of skin around her shoulders and gently pull it up – if she is adequately hydrated it should ping straight back into place.