RED WINE IS SYMBOL OF LOVE • Red wine is symbol of love and it taste too. There are colour of wine based on grapes colour. When you affair of any one of them, choose better place with full of romance with red wine. Get more wine brand celebrate valentine’s day with your lover.Click to see full answer. Just so, what does the wine symbolize?In Literature. Wine in literature often connotes happiness and friendship. It is also a symbol of transformation, as grapes undergo transformation when they are fermented. Because of its importance in the Near East, wine may also symbolize sustinance and life.Also, what does it mean when you dream about drinking red wine? The meaning of the dream symbol: Wine. Wine is more of a feminine drink, or so they say! If you dream of drinking red wine by wish or choice, it means that you are going to get some positive news and energies in your life. On the other hand, if you are forced to drink red wine in your dream, it depicts sins. One may also ask, what does red wine represent in the Bible? Symbolism and metaphor The commonness and centrality of wine in daily life in biblical times is apparent from its many positive and negative metaphorical uses throughout the Bible. Positively, free wine is used as a symbol of divine grace, and wine is repeatedly compared to intimate love in the Song of Solomon.What does wine symbolize in dreams?To dream about wine symbolizes festivity, celebration, satisfaction, and success. You may be too content with the way your life is going, so you stop and relax to enjoy what you have worked hard for.