The Bug-A-Salt gun is mainly for killing them pesty pain the butt flies but they can also kill the spiders, just takes a little more salt.Click to see full answer. Hereof, does the bug a salt really work?In conclusion, yes this product works, yes it kills bugs, and yes you can even use it while cooking if you’re tired of using the boring old salt shakers we have all grown accustomed too.Additionally, what kind of salt does bug a salt use? Bug-A-Salt was created by Lorenzo Maggiore and patented in 2012. The Bug-A-Salt device utilizes regular granular table salt as a non-toxic projectile for insect extermination. The plastic gun is designed to spray up to 80 discharges of salt. Also, can a bug a salt kill a wasp? see more. Evans, Thank you very much for your question about using the BUG-A-SALT for killing yellow jackets and wasps. We do not recommend using the BUG-A-SALT LAWN & GARDEN on anything with a tough/hard shell (like a scorpion).How does bug a salt kill flies?Lorenzo Maggiore’s mission was to fund the production of a gun that kills bugs by shooting small amounts of table salt at them. Salt crystals fan out like pellets, making it deadly – to flies – from about two feet away.